The extraordinary is like a dance, that's what I'm talking about! (gift show)

The extraordinary is like a dance, that's what I'm talking about! (gift show)

The Marseille maneuver has long been Zidane's hallmark, and its practicality and appreciation are still very high

The extraordinary is like a dance, that's what I'm talking about! (gift show)

When you touch ball for first time, you should lightly step on ball with your toes, then turn around and pull ball

The extraordinary is like a dance, that's what I'm talking about! (gift show)

If whole foot is on ball, it will be difficult to control and pull ball

The extraordinary is like a dance, that's what I'm talking about! (gift show)

Watch full demo, which is divided into two parts. First, use toe of your dominant foot to pull ball in direction of turn, and turn 180 degrees while pulling the ball.

The extraordinary is like a dance, that's what I'm talking about! (gift show)

After turning around, turn 180 degrees again and pull ball forward at same time

The extraordinary is like a dance, that's what I'm talking about! (gift show)

All movements must be smooth, natural and fast, and at same time we must fully understand timing of move and situation on field

The extraordinary is like a dance, that's what I'm talking about! (gift show)

Try to use it when defenders are relatively close, otherwise effect may not be achieved

The extraordinary is like a dance, that's what I'm talking about! (gift show)

The first step on ball must be made with toe of ball, not middle of foot or heel

The extraordinary is like a dance, that's what I'm talking about! (gift show)

Watch Ronaldo play on pitch

The extraordinary is like a dance, that's what I'm talking about! (gift show)

Not like Towers...

The extraordinary is like a dance, that's what I'm talking about! (gift show)
Your attention is biggest motivation for Xiaobei!

May 16, 2023