Gear is not violence! Correct posture of a sliding shovel (movie demonstration)

Gear is not violence! Correct posture of a sliding shovel (movie demonstration)

This was obviously a gross, malicious foul. It wasn't a ball grab, it was a man grab. Such a capture is wrong and unreasonable.

Gear is not violence! Correct posture of a sliding shovel (movie demonstration)

Let's look at correct and standardized tackles that do not harm opponent

Gear is not violence! Correct posture of a sliding shovel (movie demonstration)

For a proper grip, lower body must be fully attached to ground, and then use foot closest to ground to stop ball's initial route.

Gear is not violence! Correct posture of a sliding shovel (movie demonstration)

Thus, ball can usually be blocked and player who originally dribbled ball will choose to provoke when they see situation by avoiding tackle and pay attention not to lift other foot when making tackle. .

Gear is not violence! Correct posture of a sliding shovel (movie demonstration)

When touching ball, toes must be pulled inward to allow ball to be intercepted without harming dribbler.

Gear is not violence! Correct posture of a sliding shovel (movie demonstration)

If you straighten it, you might miss ball

Gear is not violence! Correct posture of a sliding shovel (movie demonstration)

If it's a tackle that steals ball from side, try to aim and predict direction of ball before shoveling it out.

Gear is not violence! Correct posture of a sliding shovel (movie demonstration)

Be careful when shoveling, otherwise it's easy to miss an opponent's fake action

Gear is not violence! Correct posture of a sliding shovel (movie demonstration)

You can also train alone

Gear is not violence! Correct posture of a sliding shovel (movie demonstration)
Your attention is biggest motivation for Xiaobei!

May 19, 2023