How to succeed like Iniesta? (gift show)

How to succeed like Iniesta? (gift show)

The technique of dribbling "fried meatballs" is a common technique on amateur football field. This technique is called "La Croqueta" in Spanish, and "fried meatballs" in Chinese. In essence, it is a very simple and practical two-legged overcoming movement, i.e. left and right legs interact with each other and use speed and cuts to get around opponent.

How to succeed like Iniesta? (gift show)

Iniesta is a representative of this technique in modern football. When talking about "fried meatballs", it is natural to think of Xiaobai Inest, but if you have to trace source, this action is not Xiaobai's original creation, but he is one who uses it most skillfully.

How to succeed like Iniesta? (gift show)

Before practicing this technique, it is necessary to balance left and right feet and ability to combine person and ball, so you should first practice ball in instep to familiarize yourself with the ball and have a good sense of touch.

How to succeed like Iniesta? (gift show)

After practicing pulling ball up and developing a certain feeling for ball, we will start working on this technical action. "Fried Meatballs" can basically be broken down into following two steps.

Step 1. Ball inside foot

How to succeed like Iniesta? (gift show)

It is necessary to face a defender with ball in front, watch defender's position and use inside of lift to quickly move ball away from defender's body before defender tries to steal. Control force in process of making ball. If force is too low, it is easy for defender to see intention and intercept it. However, if force is too great, he may lose control of ball on foot.

Step 2. Break ball with inside of your other foot

How to succeed like Iniesta? (gift show)

When ball is pushed towards defender, next step is to use inside of other instep to complete spike, and connection between two should be consistent and smooth. Care must be taken at this stage to control direction of hissing ball on rise so that ball can be kept on running route of its own attack and complete pass.

How to succeed like Iniesta? (gift show)

This technique is simple, practical and easy to use. When you face a defender one on one, it can often take defender off guard quickly, and this technique can often be completed in a short amount of time. space. , so it can be widely used in large or small games.

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May 19, 2023