Step on soccer ball with one foot and pull it back. When pulling ball, body bounces up slightly, and with other foot kicks ball forward, and then quickly begins to dribble. , It can also be called left and right leg mutual Bo.
First, lightly step on ball with one foot, and move other slightly outward, about 45 degrees to front of ball.
Step on ball and quickly pull ball back. Be careful not to pull ball too hard. After you pull ball, there should be a jump
When ball is almost rolling towards inside of heel of other foot, quickly use inside of heel to hit ball in direction you want to start pass, speed up and get rid of opponent
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Crossing between left and right feet is suitable for use when defenders come up to mark or assist in defense
When a defender presses you, learn to use space behind him
When stepping on ball and dragging ball, defenders hesitate for a moment and then use rhythm change to speed up and get rid of pass
May 21, 2023
Learn this trick and you'll be able to clear your opponents without touching ball! (gift show)
Football Teaching: Share easiest change of direction ever! Simple and Practical (Gift Show)