Football Fitness: How to Improve Leg Speed ​​and Strength [No Equipment]

Football Fitness: How to Improve Leg Speed ​​and Strength [No Equipment]

Exercise 1: Squat

This action should be familiar to all friends, and there has been a period in last few years when squats have been very popular for cardiopulmonary training. But this traditional method of practice is actually very bad for knee.

  • The correct way to do this is to squat down with your hips back and not let your knees come forward.
  • Looking down with your eyes, make sure your knees don't block your feet.
  • Slowly lower and bend your knees, stretch your hips back and keep your hips parallel to ground for a few seconds, then quickly rise to a standing position.

    Football Fitness: How to Improve Leg Speed ​​and Strength [No Equipment]

    Exercise 2. Push-off from squat

    Based on Exercise 1: Squat down, replace previous steady lift with a jump, and lift both feet off ground at the same time.

    Football Fitness: How to Improve Leg Speed ​​and Strength [No Equipment]

    Exercise Three: Lunge Squats

  • Keep your balance at your waist by placing your hands on your waist and take a long step forward, alternating legs.
  • The knee of front leg should still not protrude beyond top of foot, and back leg should naturally bend and lower center of gravity.
  • You will be in starting position and step forward with the other foot.
  • Football Fitness: How to Improve Leg Speed ​​and Strength [No Equipment]

    Exercise Four: Lunge Jump

  • Start with a squat.
  • The forefoot pushes body into air and swaps legs forward and backward upon landing.
  • Swing your arms back and forth at your sides.
  • Despite fact that level of practice increases, everyone can properly increase height of jump.

    Football Fitness: How to Improve Leg Speed ​​and Strength [No Equipment]

    Exercise Five: Single Leg Curl

  • Land on one foot, then lean forward and land lightly between your hands.
  • Then return to upright position.
  • Do this exercise five times on each leg, switching to other leg.

    Football Fitness: How to Improve Leg Speed ​​and Strength [No Equipment]

    Exercise 6: Single leg curl and jump

    Based on Exercise 5: While crouching with one leg, replace previous steady lift with a spring jump to get your whole body off the ground.

    Football Fitness: How to Improve Leg Speed ​​and Strength [No Equipment]

    Exercise seven: calf raise

    Keep your feet shoulder-width apart and lift your heels up.

  • The lifting process should be as slow as possible, and you can feel strength of calf muscles.
  • When falling, you can relax a bit and let it fall naturally.
  • Students who lack ankle strength or who frequently sprain their legs may want to do this exercise more frequently. It is also a very good exercise for strengthening muscles around ankle and reducing sprains.

    Football Fitness: How to Improve Leg Speed ​​and Strength [No Equipment]

    Exercise eight: vertical jump with both legs

    Based on Exercise 7: Both Heel Raises, change process of lifting your feet up into a quick upward hopping movement, mainly relying on the calf muscles.

    Football Fitness: How to Improve Leg Speed ​​and Strength [No Equipment]
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    May 23, 2023