goalkeeper function! What Stretched Save Should Do (Gift Demo)

goalkeeper function! What Stretched Save Should Do (Gift Demo)

We often see on TV that when a goalkeeper makes various saves in flight, his body is stretched in air, which is very aesthetically pleasing. And these saves can often save some inevitable goals. Although in amateur games, opponent's shots may not be as accurate as those of professional players, but if goalkeeper has a unique volley save skill, this is quite a deterrent. Today, let me introduce trick of flying save.

goalkeeper function! What Stretched Save Should Do (Gift Demo)
Observation and evaluation goalkeeper function! What Stretched Save Should Do (Gift Demo)

Observe and clearly evaluate flight path of ball and move your feet in direction of ball

Step forward goalkeeper function! What Stretched Save Should Do (Gift Demo)

Step forward to hit ball and complete save. This action is performed by turning knees. The arms and knees must sweep through entire body, using momentum and inertia, in order for the body to fly out.

Bend your knees and squat down goalkeeper function! What Stretched Save Should Do (Gift Demo)

As you practice, try bending your knees and squatting down with your back knees on ground, quickly shifting your weight onto leg to side of ball, and pushing hard off ground. When legs are pushing to side, they must also be pushing up to use their momentum to "fly out".

Landing goalkeeper function! What Stretched Save Should Do (Gift Demo)

If you can catch ball in air when it lands, let ball land first and pin it to ground so ball doesn't fall.

Batting goalkeeper function! What Stretched Save Should Do (Gift Demo)

If you can't catch ball, you can hit ball with your hands or keep it behind back line. The arms should be folded, hands and elbows should first touch ground, and then, when body touches ground, roll in direction of ball.

goalkeeper function! What Stretched Save Should Do (Gift Demo)
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May 23, 2023