Those who play football should take good care of this part!

Those who play football should take good care of this part!

By way, injuries are different for everyone, but when it comes to which part of body should be taken care of most? Then everyone will immediately come to a consensus, that is, to a knee. As most important joint in human body for lower extremities, knee is self explanatory. There are too many players whose playing careers depend on knee injuries, so if we want to prolong our playing career, reduce or prevent knee injuries, it is very important to take good care of our knees.

Those who play football should take good care of this part!

How to maintain, we can literally split it into two aspects. One is protection and prevention, and other is healing and improvement! Warm-up and running shoes are general topics we talk about. Most of knee warm-up activities are not really difficult, but there is only one requirement for our players to warm up every game. And there is only one requirement for choice of running shoes, match right running shoes according to right venue, if you use studded running shoes (FG, AG-PRO studs) on poor quality artificial grass, it will be a serious problem for our knees Threat and expense (therefore must have a pair of sneakers with TF studs)!

Those who play football should take good care of this part!

In principle, studs should penetrate lawn completely

If your knee is experiencing mild discomfort while playing football, you can wear protective gear or use muscle-effect patches to reduce chance of injury getting worse. Protective equipment can soften and protect impact to a certain extent, and muscle effect patch can help muscle groups to show strength to better protect our knee joints.

Those who play football should take good care of this part!

How to use a normal muscle effect knee patch

The blacksmith's iron should still be hard. If muscles around knee are strong, it can protect our knee well. But when training muscles of legs, you should pay attention to standard of movement, otherwise you can injure your knees.

Those who play football should take good care of this part!

When squatting, your knees should not go beyond your toes!

If you haven't done heavy exercise in a long time (for example, injuries to other parts of your body lead to a long off-season), you can add knee stretches to your pre-game warm-up stretch. It's like adding lubricant to ligaments of knee, which can avoid risk of "getting stuck" to a certain extent... ("Stuck" means that sudden application of force causes damage to ligaments of knee)

Those who play football should take good care of this part!

It is possible to relax leg muscles after game (more recently, using foam rollers is a more popular way) because muscles improve protection of knees, and in a sense, we relax muscles and relieve knees. If, unfortunately, there is relatively severe pain in knee after game, it is recommended to immediately (for 10-15 minutes) apply ice or rinse sore spot with cold water, and then perform limited activities after knee pain. sore spot has decreased.

Those who play football should take good care of this part!

With Ronaldo putting ice on his left knee after training

Knee injuries are not easy to recover from! Injuries are worse than tigers, so take precautions before they happen.

May all golfers stay vigilant, take care of their knees and prolong our golfing career!

Your concern is Xiaobei's biggest motivation!

May 23, 2023