There are many ways to stop a high-altitude ball. You can use your chest, inside of your foot, instep of your foot, or directly your thigh to stop ball. You have ability to stop ball with your feet, so you need to master your hip to stop ball. Today I will show you how to use your hip to stop ball.
Before ball hits your hip, lift your hip and prepare for ball in advance.
Rise up early and then naturally move your hips as ball is about to hit your hips.
Second: give ball some cushioningThe hips are raised in advance, and when ball touches hips, hips are pulled back according to direction of ball, so that force of hitting ball can be easily absorbed.
Three: lift hip, angle downAllow your hips to bend at a 45° angle before catching ball.
So ball bounces forward when it touches your thigh.
Catch ball with middle of your thigh.
Five: Try not to let ball bounce too highWe need to avoid ball bouncing up, we need to let ball land quickly and steadily so we can make next move.
If ball bounces too high, you won't be able to control it and will also give your opponent time to react. Often an extra second or two allows opposing defenders to push forward and get stuck.
Your attention is biggest motivation for Xiaobei!May 24, 2023
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