Learn basic driving skills! (gift show)

Learn basic driving skills! (gift show)

Heading in place

Learn basic driving skills! (gift show)

Headbutts are often used in football matches, and headbutts are used to clear defenders and attack forwards.

Basic actions:

Standing forward and back with both feet or standing parallel to head of ball

Raise your arms at your sides

When looking at an approaching ball, watch ball with your eyes, you should watch ball approach and see ball go away

The part that touches ball is frontal part, frontal part of head

Learn basic driving skills! (gift show)

During training, distance between two people is from 4 to 5 meters, and body is standing back and forth. When thrown, ball is just above player's head. When hitting head, body should fall back first, and then head is fixed. Use strength of your waist and abdomen, tilt your body forward and push ball back with your forehead.

Headline on Air

Learn basic driving skills! (gift show)

Basic actions:

Driving ball with your head in air, when ball is above your head, you need to jump up and push ball back with your forehead

Arms are open, body leans back, we fix head and push ball back

Side forehead ball

Learn basic driving skills! (gift show)

It is generally used more aggressively in game and requirement is to run into an incoming ball.

Basic actions:

When touching ball, body first straightens and then turns to side

If you want to head ball to left, first turn your body to right and then use your left forehead to push ball to left

If he is on right, first turn your body to left, and then hit ball with your right forehead

Heading ball with middle and lower part of forehead

Learn basic driving skills! (gift show)

When practicing, a distance of 4 to 5 meters is required. When using force, be clear and keep your eyes open. Problems that easily arise with heading are one of them to close your eyes and other is to pull your neck back and be afraid of ball.

Learn basic driving skills! (gift show)

Heading is a relatively complex football action for amateur football fans, but it is still necessary to enrich our attacking methods.

Your attention is biggest motivation for Xiaobei!

May 24, 2023