Attention to these details can make your long pass more accurate.

Attention to these details can make your long pass more accurate.

An exquisite short pass on football field is always great fun, but an accurate long pass across half field is often more shocking. An accurate long pass can often unintentionally break through an opponent's defense and make an attacker fatal.

Attention to these details can make your long pass more accurate.

If you learn how to play long balls, you will be more comfortable playing long balls in game.

Key Point Analysis

1. Stand behind the ball

Attention to these details can make your long pass more accurate.

2. Shoulders (or hips) should be facing target at moment of impact.

Attention to these details can make your long pass more accurate.

The shoulder looks like a pistol sight, ball will fly in direction shoulder is looking at, if sight is turned off, it, of course, will not hit the target.

3. Support leg position

Attention to these details can make your long pass more accurate.

The supporting foot is at a distance of 1.5-2 steps from ball, which allows you to comfortably swing your leg on impact.

4. Foot position when touching ball and touching ball

Attention to these details can make your long pass more accurate.

Rotate kicking foot so that top of foot is on its side and toes are pointing down.

5. Impact parts

Attention to these details can make your long pass more accurate.

Kicking ball to bottom of center instead of straight to bottom of ball.

6. Watch ball

Attention to these details can make your long pass more accurate.

The leg swings should be small and clearly follow ball.

7. Standard Action

Attention to these details can make your long pass more accurate.

Focus on technical movement, not strength

8. Lean back a little

Attention to these details can make your long pass more accurate.

Kicks ball with a slight tilt back instead of forward.

Attention to these details can make your long pass more accurate.

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May 25, 2023