Details that help goalkeeper to improve stability of the ball in his hands!

Details that help goalkeeper to improve stability of the ball in his hands!

As last goal of a team's defense in football matches, goalkeeper is a very important position. Goalkeeper, how can we catch the ball better and more consistently?

Details that help goalkeeper to improve stability of the ball in his hands!

First: shape of hand

Details that help goalkeeper to improve stability of the ball in his hands!

Both hands on ball.

Also touch thumbs of both hands as often as possible.

Details that help goalkeeper to improve stability of the ball in his hands!

Hold your hands over ball like this!

Two: Station

Details that help goalkeeper to improve stability of the ball in his hands!

Before ball flies towards you, if ball is not approaching your body, you must immediately move your body to front of ball.

Third: Extend your arms

Details that help goalkeeper to improve stability of the ball in his hands!

Do not get too close to chest, ball is easy to drop. By bending your arms at an angle close to 90°, you have a stronger grip on ball.

Details that help goalkeeper to improve stability of the ball in his hands!

Fourth: Capture Point

Details that help goalkeeper to improve stability of the ball in his hands!

When catching ball, extend your arms as far as possible to catch ball at its highest point.

Details that help goalkeeper to improve stability of the ball in his hands!

When facing ball at high altitude, try to raise your arms and try to reach highest point to catch or hit ball. Stretch your arms as you jump to catch ball from above.

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May 25, 2023