Some tips for playing ahead! (gift show)

Some tips for playing ahead! (gift show)

First point: how to get rid of a close defender

Some tips for playing ahead! (gift show)

Maintain eye contact with teammates. The moment your teammates are about to pass ball, you need to silently push defender away to create a space of about a meter to receive ball. If a defender is still chasing you, you can quickly change direction and run in opposite direction, which will throw off a close defender and create space for ball.

Second point: how to score a goal against goalkeeper

Some tips for playing ahead! (gift show)

Take ball from your teammates, observe position of goalkeeper, adjust direction of your run according to your lead foot, and run into right position to shoot.

Third point: how to fool a defender who takes ball

Some tips for playing ahead! (gift show)

The easiest trick is to lean your body to one side and make a feint, goal is to unbalance opponent's body and then break through from opposite side.

Your attention is biggest motivation for Xiaobei!

May 25, 2023