At peak of his career, Ronaldinho relied on these 5 tricks to beat all his opponents! Unusual and functional, right?

At peak of his career, Ronaldinho relied on these 5 tricks to beat all his opponents! Unusual and functional, right?

At peak of his career, Ronaldinho relied on these 5 tricks to beat all his opponents! Unusual and functional, right?

Trick number one: wear a crotch

Stand on ball and wait for opponent to jump, then push ball forward to complete impalement in the opponent's crotch.

At peak of his career, Ronaldinho relied on these 5 tricks to beat all his opponents! Unusual and functional, right?

Mimicking a ball from one side, after opponent jumps up, use throwing leg from outside to complete punch in opponent's crotch.

At peak of his career, Ronaldinho relied on these 5 tricks to beat all his opponents! Unusual and functional, right?

Watch your opponent's pace as you move forward with ball, and complete your perineal penetration with subtle changes in rhythm, speed, and direction.

At peak of his career, Ronaldinho relied on these 5 tricks to beat all his opponents! Unusual and functional, right?

Seeing this, everyone must be exclaiming why Ronaldinho wears his crotch so loosely and easily.

Is it because opponent is stupid that he is allowed to wear crotch so lightly? The answer is definitely not. The correct answer is in next post. I hope you can click and take a closer look. Try to wear your crotch as lightly as Ronaldinho.

Second trick: bulltail

Although this movement is not an original creation of Ronaldinho, but because of its large range of motion and its beauty, many friends once thought that this unusual movement is a symbol of Ronaldinho.

At peak of his career, Ronaldinho relied on these 5 tricks to beat all his opponents! Unusual and functional, right?

When dribbling ball outward, switch to hitting ball with inside of your foot, forcing your opponent to suddenly change direction.

At peak of his career, Ronaldinho relied on these 5 tricks to beat all his opponents! Unusual and functional, right?

Third Technique: Step

The step motion is stepping of ball with one foot from inside out. It can be used while standing still or while running. Some players also like to use this turn-based action multiple times in a row, which has become what we all know as "looping".

At peak of his career, Ronaldinho relied on these 5 tricks to beat all his opponents! Unusual and functional, right?

Pull ball and walk more deceptively so that enemy is in no hurry to rub his hands!

At peak of his career, Ronaldinho relied on these 5 tricks to beat all his opponents! Unusual and functional, right?

Shakes enemy's center of gravity so that they can't catch up.

At peak of his career, Ronaldinho relied on these 5 tricks to beat all his opponents! Unusual and functional, right?

The fourth technique: ability to control ball in air

In pinching conditions, he can pick up ball and keep ball under his control, causing opponent to get lost. It is also a football skill that Ronaldinho loves to use very much. To practice this well, in addition to good juggling skills, chest stop ability must also be higher than others.

At peak of his career, Ronaldinho relied on these 5 tricks to beat all his opponents! Unusual and functional, right?

Having received a pass from an opponent, stop ball right in your chest, turn around and fire a thorn in one go!

At peak of his career, Ronaldinho relied on these 5 tricks to beat all his opponents! Unusual and functional, right?

Fifth measure: dribbling

In addition to normal skills mentioned above that can be used in a pattern, you also need to make some random changes in direction to control ball according to opponent's situation in real combat, so that you can firmly control ball under your feet. .

At peak of his career, Ronaldinho relied on these 5 tricks to beat all his opponents! Unusual and functional, right?

A simple left button and right button can completely confuse an opponent if timing is right.

At peak of his career, Ronaldinho relied on these 5 tricks to beat all his opponents! Unusual and functional, right?

Rebounding and tossing ball, changing rhythm is a magical weapon for us to win.

At peak of his career, Ronaldinho relied on these 5 tricks to beat all his opponents! Unusual and functional, right?

Source: Football Teaching


Introduction to Ronaldinho should have started with 2002 World Cup between Korea and Japan, and this was also because first participation of Chinese team made us pay more attention to this World Cup. But it is this elf-like player that redefines samba football for us.

At peak of his career, Ronaldinho relied on these 5 tricks to beat all his opponents! Unusual and functional, right?
Your attention is biggest motivation for Xiaobei!

May 26, 2023