Neymar goes through crotch training! Use it sparingly in real combat, be careful not to get beat up~

Neymar goes through crotch training! Use it sparingly in real combat, be careful not to get beat up~

Neymar stepped on his crotch

This first action is a standout skill that Neymar often uses in games, so let's call it Neymar stepping over crotch for now.

Neymar goes through crotch training! Use it sparingly in real combat, be careful not to get beat up~
  • If you want ball to roll forward with dominant foot (right foot).
  • Then first step should be to step with left foot towards left front of body.
  • The step of this step must be large enough for teammates to follow reflexively to take a step in that direction.
  • Neymar goes through crotch training! Use it sparingly in real combat, be careful not to get beat up~
  • Then step over ball with your non-dominant (left) foot from left to right.
  • Finally, place your left foot on right side of ball.
  • Because a sudden change in step direction will force opponent to step in that direction.
  • Usually, at this point, legs of defense move apart.
  • Neymar goes through crotch training! Use it sparingly in real combat, be careful not to get beat up~
  • The last step is to push ball forward with inside of your leading (right) foot.
  • The passage between opponent's legs apart.
  • Neymar goes through crotch training! Use it sparingly in real combat, be careful not to get beat up~

    If you finally want to use inside of your left foot to push ball forward, you must first use your right foot to step to right.

  • When you start practicing, it's best to practice on both sides, because if you always use one side of a fake action in a game, familiar opponents will easily predict it.
  • Second, not every time you want to feint, side you want to feint has room to trick your opponent. For example, when we are at left sideline, opponent may not do this.
  • Neymar goes through crotch training! Use it sparingly in real combat, be careful not to get beat up~

    Skillful practice makes this movement smooth and natural, so you can achieve better results in real combat.

    Side view of Neymar stepping over his crotch

    Neymar goes through crotch training! Use it sparingly in real combat, be careful not to get beat up~

    Close-up of Neymar stepping over the crotch from behind.

    Neymar goes through crotch training! Use it sparingly in real combat, be careful not to get beat up~
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    June 03, 2023