Do you know how to use a spoon in disguise? Simple and practical!

Do you know how to use a spoon in disguise? Simple and practical!

In football terminology, when it comes to spoons, you might still think of a penalty first time around.

Among ball dribbling skills, there is another type of dribbling called dribbling spoon. The common denominator is that arc outlined by ball resembles shape of a spoon.

Do you know how to use a spoon in disguise? Simple and practical!

Point 1: ball path and ball path form a semicircle

The scoop dribble is a simple dribbling technique where you push ball with inside of your foot and then trick a defender into quickly pulling ball in other direction, out of blue.

Do you know how to use a spoon in disguise? Simple and practical!

Point 2: sudden change of direction

Use your eyes to look in a certain direction and take action to push ball in that direction so that defender mistakenly thinks you are going to dribble in that direction for a breakout. Then pull ball to other side and accelerate sharply past defender.

Do you know how to use a spoon in disguise? Simple and practical!

The spoon can also be used to pierce an opponent's crotch. If defender eats your feint, he will usually move to intercept ball and his legs will be naturally spread.

At this time, use spoon to change direction and pass ball between opponent's legs, passing through crotch to get rid of it.

Do you know how to use a spoon in disguise? Simple and practical!

Item 3. Exercise for both legs

This action is best done with both feet, so you can choose two directions to change direction, and it can also improve your ability to control ball with both feet, especially with your weaker foot.

Push ball with your right foot to change direction

Do you know how to use a spoon in disguise? Simple and practical!

Push the ball with your left foot to change direction

Do you know how to use a spoon in disguise? Simple and practical!


The action of changing direction of spoon is simple and practical, and you can practice it a lot. When playing amateur football, do not engage in this action without passing ball. In football, main cooperation, namely:

Do you know how to use a spoon in disguise? Simple and practical!
Your attention is biggest motivation for Xiaobei!

June 05, 2023