Summary of real combat: simple and practical movement of violin ball by legs + horizontal swing of ball with legs.

Summary of real combat: simple and practical movement of violin ball by legs + horizontal swing of ball with legs.

Gym Movement Skills

Form 19. Playing ball with a violin behind your feet

  • Be prepared to pull ball back with sole of your left foot.
  • Then pull ball behind your foot, but instead of losing control of ball, use outside of your left foot to maintain contact with ball and pull it back.
  • Summary of real combat: simple and practical movement of violin ball by legs + horizontal swing of ball with legs.

    Form 20: Shenlong, tail wagging

    Further reading

    Detailed Guide to Shenlong Tail Wagging

    Summary of real combat: simple and practical movement of violin ball by legs + horizontal swing of ball with legs.

    Form 21. Pull ball horizontally and swing your legs

  • Alternately use soles of both feet to pull ball sideways towards other foot.
  • When ball rolls, foot that is going to pull ball next must make a circle over ball, then step on ball with sole to stop ball, and complete dash.
  • Summary of real combat: simple and practical movement of violin ball by legs + horizontal swing of ball with legs.

    Shape 22: Cycling + Allegro Dial

  • Pedal bike a few times first.
  • At right moment, jump up and flip ball to left with inside of your right foot.
  • Finally, ball is vigorously picked up by inside of left foot to complete - Allegro ball changes direction.
  • Summary of real combat: simple and practical movement of violin ball by legs + horizontal swing of ball with legs.

    Form 23. Pull ball horizontally with one foot and swing leg

  • Use sole of one foot to pull ball back and forth from side to side.
  • When ball is rolling, circle top of ball, then stop ball with your feet and complete pull.
  • Summary of real combat: simple and practical movement of violin ball by legs + horizontal swing of ball with legs.

    Form 24: Cristiano Ronaldo changes direction + hits ball

  • Now make Ronaldo's back ball change direction while running.
  • Then toss ball forward so that instep of kicking leg is in front of instep.
  • Summary of real combat: simple and practical movement of violin ball by legs + horizontal swing of ball with legs.

    Shape 25: Oxtail modification

  • Pull ball with outside of foot, then quickly switch to inside of foot on other side.
  • Summary of real combat: simple and practical movement of violin ball by legs + horizontal swing of ball with legs.

    Shape 26: outside step + magic wand + inside step + ball inside foot + ball return

  • Start by stepping outward with your left foot.
  • Then swing your right foot with magic wand.
  • Swing with your right leg and then step inward.
  • Then use inside of your right foot to move ball forward to right, bouncing with inside of your left foot.
  • Finally, pull ball with sole of your right foot back to starting point.
  • Summary of real combat: simple and practical movement of violin ball by legs + horizontal swing of ball with legs.

    Form 27: pull ball horizontally + pull ball in opposite direction and turn

  • With sole of your right foot, pull ball to left.
  • Step forward with skating foot, reaching behind outside of right foot to kick ball sideways to right.
  • Turn your torso 180°, pulling ball up with outside of your foot.
  • Summary of real combat: simple and practical movement of violin ball by legs + horizontal swing of ball with legs.

    Form 28: pulling ball horizontally + hooking ball with his foot + Ronaldo changes direction

  • Use your right foot to pull ball sideways to left, then use your right leg instep to hook ball to your left foot.
  • Then use your right foot to move ball towards your left foot and then use inside of your left foot to change Ronaldo's direction.
  • Summary of real combat: simple and practical movement of violin ball by legs + horizontal swing of ball with legs.

    Shape 29. Pull ball after rubbing your feet

  • Touching ball with sole of left foot while running.
  • Then jump forward with your right foot and then kick the ball behind your right foot with your left foot.
  • Summary of real combat: simple and practical movement of violin ball by legs + horizontal swing of ball with legs.

    Form 30. Pass ball without looking

  • Drag ball to left with sole of your right foot.
  • Then pass to right with inside of your left foot while turning your head to left to confuse defender.
  • Summary of real combat: simple and practical movement of violin ball by legs + horizontal swing of ball with legs.
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    June 05, 2023