Football training: body shakes outside of foot to score ball + steps and turns to score ball

Football training: body shakes outside of foot to score ball + steps and turns to score ball

Body feint

Shape 16: Swing your body back and hit ball with outside of your foot

  • Shift your body weight to right, turning ball to left with outside of your left foot.
  • Football training: body shakes outside of foot to score ball + steps and turns to score ball

    Form 17: Step, turn and catch ball

  • Step one foot over ball in a medial step.
  • Then turn ball in opposite direction with outside of same foot.
  • Football training: body shakes outside of foot to score ball + steps and turns to score ball

    Form 18: Gravity Forward - Yielding to Catch Ball

  • Follow ball forward when receiving a pass from a teammate.
  • Then shift your center of gravity, pass ball past opponent's [marker disc] and catch ball with inside of your foot to complete change of direction.
  • Football training: body shakes outside of foot to score ball + steps and turns to score ball
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    June 06, 2023