I will teach you principles of grip and correct posture of grip!

I will teach you principles of grip and correct posture of grip!

I will teach you principles of grip and correct posture of grip!

When tackling ball, it's generally best to stand up and grab ball, but if you feel your opponent is about to break through defense, then tackling ball should only be done as a last resort.

The basic gripping motion is to bend one leg and slide lower leg forward (see sample diagram below). There are several reasons for this movement:

  1. No restrictions on dominant foot (can be adjusted according to ball height)
  2. Tackle can immediately stand up and make his next move.

Sample image:

Tackling with dominant foot I will teach you principles of grip and correct posture of grip!

As you fall on your side, bend your left leg (support) and grab ball with your right foot (lead leg).

Leg support I will teach you principles of grip and correct posture of grip!

When falling on side, left leg (supporting) bends and scoops the ball.

Used hook (protective) shovel I will teach you principles of grip and correct posture of grip!

The fight for control of ball. Lying on your side, bend your left leg (support leg) and hook ball with your right shin (lead leg).

In addition, there are following taboos on tackle that you need to be firmly aware of:

  1. Do not point soles of your feet towards opponent's body
  2. Do not keep each other's legs between two legs

As long as you complete above steps, you may receive an immediate red card. We can say that this is a very dangerous move, so you should pay attention to it.

I will teach you principles of grip and correct posture of grip!

If you are a beginner, know from start that point of a tackle is to damage, trap or control ball, not to hurt it.

Your attention is biggest motivation for Xiaobei!

June 08, 2023