Attention golfers! What should be warm-up procedure before winter game?

Attention golfers! What should be warm-up procedure before winter game?

Tips: Winter warm-up should be done in stages, and intensity at beginning should not be increased immediately too much. In addition, warming up with teammates can develop silent understanding and improve game focus!

The first step is to stretch body from head to toe, move joints and relax muscles. Expand your chest, tuck your legs in, move your ankles, and stretch your hips and calves.

Attention golfers! What should be warm-up procedure before winter game?

Running in small steps causes stretching of blood. Just run back and forth in a small range of 10m to 15m

Attention golfers! What should be warm-up procedure before winter game?

Swing your arms while running

Attention golfers! What should be warm-up procedure before winter game?

Slow walking and running with a high leg

Attention golfers! What should be warm-up procedure before winter game?


Attention golfers! What should be warm-up procedure before winter game?

Running on toes with a swing back

Attention golfers! What should be warm-up procedure before winter game?

Stretch your hips from inside out

Attention golfers! What should be warm-up procedure before winter game?
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June 12, 2023