How can you improve your cycling performance?

How can you improve your cycling performance?

I assume everyone is familiar with cycling and can do a few laps. The technical action of cycling over people is practical and efficient, it requires speed, strength and body shaking, and ball and start after action is completed must be fast and powerful.

How can you improve your cycling performance?

Basic Actions

When your foot is on ball, tilt your body in that direction and lower your shoulders. This is similar to Matthews and other moves that interfere with defenders judgment by dropping their shoulders and tilting their body.

How can you improve your cycling performance?

Another point is that after foot crosses ball diagonally, foot must be placed at a certain distance from ball, which gives you enough room to continue action of other foot.

How can you improve your cycling performance?

When you're facing a defender, step over ball with one foot, lean in to your torso, lower your shoulders to get your opponent's attention, and then immediately connect outside of your foot with your outside. Strong, fast touches create space and give you opportunity to continue dribbling or shooting.

How can you improve your cycling performance?

Improve learning

Cycling on site

How can you improve your cycling performance?

Practice basic moves to improve your skills. When cycling in place, you can circle from slow to fast and step powerfully on ground.

Motor exercises

How can you improve your cycling performance?

Lightly tap football with your left or right foot forward to move a short distance, then complete cycle. Pay attention to main points of movement and practice from slow to fast.

How can you improve your cycling performance?

Here lightly touch soccer ball with front of instep or lightly with outside of instep.

When you can skillfully complete one cycle of pedaling left and right, you can move on to next exercises.

How can you improve your cycling performance?

Training a real defender is completely different. You need to put in more effort to hone your cycling skills.

How can you improve your cycling performance?
Your attention is biggest motivation for Xiaobei!

June 13, 2023