The correct way of shooting and constant practice can help you become a better shooter, so first of all you must master correct shooting technique and tactical implementation of several exercises.
Shooting is not just hitting ball on goal. You need to master following correct throwing techniques.
Shooting with foot up
In a lift kick, kicker kicks back, heel flies, and toes point towards ground. With this foot shape, hit center of ball with front of your foot. It should be noted that after hitting ball, kicking foot swings forward with ball to ensure speed of ball.
heel shot
Fire sole of your foot parallel to ground and hit ball with your fingertip in middle. When you are close to goal or there is little space in penalty area and there is no way to make a full shot, toe kick can be very useful and kick will stick to ground and fly straight ahead.
When close to goal and goalkeeper is blocking a large angle of shot in front of him, a wide angle should be chosen. The kick to far corner is not as strong as forward climb kick, but it relies on strong spin to bypass goaltender's block. The footwork in a far corner shot is similar to footwork in a cross from inside of foot.
Reception of a semi-high ball and a direct throw is a volley. First of all, you must predict route of ball, evaluate trajectory of ball, find correct position and exert your strength. body to complete shot. The training method is as follows: coach stands at goal and throws a high ball into penalty area, players line up at penalty area line, facing flying ball and try to hit from the summer.
Gold Hook
First of all, you must learn process of barbed strike and correct fall to ground, you need to deviate with your back to target, and after jumping up, do scissor legs. When landing, lightly support with your hands, and at moment of landing, roll to side. Then practice with ball, first throw ball over you and then take off to try spiky kick.
As with barbed throw, side volley throw after upward jump also throws into air, difference is that side volley throw is not with your back to goal. During training in front of goal obliquely in penalty area, coach, standing next to goal post on same side, throws ball to players. After correcting position, athlete tries to shoot in air, but when landing, pay attention to buffer protection.
Tossing ball
Kicking ground can greatly increase range and speed of ball, so as a defensive action, goalkeeper will also select ball to break siege to keep ball away from danger zone. The practice is very simple: toss ball in air and let it fall naturally, then hit it with back of your foot just after ball hits ground.
When receiving ball from a teammate from flank to front of net, if you want to hit more sharply without stopping ball, you will often use your heel to finish. Turn your body towards ball and finish with a heel kick with foot farthest from goal behind skating foot. To ensure ball speed, striker must be on side of heel.
A single practice shot can be boring, but it can be more fun if practiced in a playful way. On one hand, athletes stimulate training enthusiasm in mutual competition, on other hand, different training methods add interest and variety to training.
The empty bomb game
This exercise trains strength and accuracy of athlete's throw. Two lines are set by markers and players are divided into two groups, each holding ball, and must not cross line. Balls of different sizes and weights are placed in center of court, such as basketballs, sponge balls, resistance balls, etc. After hearing command, try to hit ball in center of court with a soccer ball behind opponent's line. The side with fewer hits wins.
This exercise trains accuracy of shooting from long distances. As shown in picture, players are divided into two teams, each of which stands behind line with ball. Place 8 markers at a certain distance and specific distance depends on ability of athlete. Having heard command, athlete tries to knock down marker in front of him with ball. The catcher stands behind marker and is responsible for passing kicked soccer ball. The first team to knock down all markers wins. Change recipients after each round.
A game without ups and downs
This exercise develops player's sense of ball and control over shot. Place benches, boxes and other obstacles in gates, and place markers on them. Athletes are divided into two groups and shoot from 11m mark, shot must be above marker to be valid. After a team shoots successfully, they can get opportunity to shoot consecutively, in case of failure, they change opponent's players. 2 points for a successful goal, 1 point for a knockdown marker. The player with most points wins.

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June 19, 2023