Is it difficult to keep ground at high altitude? Try this trick!

Is it difficult to keep ground at high altitude? Try this trick!

Is it difficult to keep ground at high altitude? Try this trick!

Stopping a high-altitude ball can be said to be one of basic skills that every player should have, but it is also a headache, and a high-altitude ball that bounces off ground will be more difficult to handle. Today I will introduce a technique that can cut ball with inside of foot to stop ball steadily.

Technical points:

First: get to a given location

Is it difficult to keep ground at high altitude? Try this trick!

We want to stop ball to left of our body

Rotation to left, while pivoting slightly to that side

Raise your supporting leg to knee height while pivoting

Simultaneously, turn inside of foot toward the ground

Is it difficult to keep ground at high altitude? Try this trick!

Second: bend your knees

Is it difficult to keep ground at high altitude? Try this trick!

The knee of foot should remain bent, not straight.

Third: feet on ball

When ball is about to hit ground, stop ball and move your foot directly over ball to one side.

When ball hits about knee height, start moving your feet over ball.

Is it difficult to keep ground at high altitude? Try this trick!

When stopping ball, foot must be at a reasonable angle to way you want to stop.

Is it difficult to keep ground at high altitude? Try this trick!

Fourth: Brace your ankles

Is it difficult to keep ground at high altitude? Try this trick!

Your ankle should be tensed and your foot elevated.

Five: Let ball bounce

Is it difficult to keep ground at high altitude? Try this trick!

Let ball bounce off ground

In process of lifting, he will simply hit inside of foot at an angle in air,

and bounce to left. Cut off ball as it rises after ball bounces off ground.

Six: Tap

Is it difficult to keep ground at high altitude? Try this trick!

Push with inside of foot after ball bounces

Seven: Acceleration

Is it difficult to keep ground at high altitude? Try this trick!

Change speed after impact to neutral

Get rid of defenders by speeding up

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June 21, 2023