Teach you 4 Ronaldo tricks to change direction!

Teach you 4 Ronaldo tricks to change direction!

Teach you 4 Ronaldo tricks to change direction!

Today's article will introduce you to four changing skills that Cristiano Ronaldo often uses in real combat. Hope this inspires you guys.

First Trick: Changing Ronaldo's Direction

Teach you 4 Ronaldo tricks to change direction!

Decomposition of Ronaldo's change of direction

  • Jump forward in direction ball is rolling.
  • Teach you 4 Ronaldo tricks to change direction!
  • Create a distraction by hitting ball with inside of your back foot to change direction of ball.
  • Teach you 4 Ronaldo tricks to change direction!

    C Ronaldo's standard display of direction-changing skills

    Teach you 4 Ronaldo tricks to change direction!

    Trick Two: Ronaldo Goes Forward

    Teach you 4 Ronaldo tricks to change direction!

    Decomposition of Ronaldo's steps

  • Start by tossing ball with inside of your foot.
  • Then step around ball with your stroking foot.
  • Teach you 4 Ronaldo tricks to change direction!
  • Pick ball up with outside of your other foot to speed up.
  • Teach you 4 Ronaldo tricks to change direction!

    Standard demonstration of Ronaldo's steps

    Teach you 4 Ronaldo tricks to change direction!

    Third technique: allegro step by step

    Teach you 4 Ronaldo tricks to change direction!

    Decomposition of step-allegro

  • Approach ball with one foot.
  • Teach you 4 Ronaldo tricks to change direction!
  • Then use inside of pivot foot to dribble ball while jumping sideways.
  • Teach you 4 Ronaldo tricks to change direction!
  • Use your first leg again to hit ball in air with inside of your walking leg.
  • Changes direction of ball in air.
  • Teach you 4 Ronaldo tricks to change direction!

    Standard Allegro Walking Skill Show

    Teach you 4 Ronaldo tricks to change direction!

    Technique Four: CR7 Chain Technique

    Teach you 4 Ronaldo tricks to change direction!

    Breakdown of CR7 Combined Action

  • Use sole of one foot to pull ball forward.
  • Then step back with other foot.
  • Teach you 4 Ronaldo tricks to change direction!
  • Use same foot again for normal walking motion.
  • And finally dribbles ball this way.
  • Teach you 4 Ronaldo tricks to change direction!

    CR7 Standard Combo Skill Demonstration

    Teach you 4 Ronaldo tricks to change direction!
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    June 26, 2023