Football freestyle: two-touch carousel! Use less in real combat, be careful not to get beat up~

Football freestyle: two-touch carousel! Use less in real combat, be careful not to get beat up~

Football freestyle: two-touch carousel! Use less in real combat, be careful not to get beat up~

Two-tap carousel

Football freestyle: two-touch carousel! Use less in real combat, be careful not to get beat up~

This is a floor football technique that involves quick turns and touches of ball.

Football freestyle: two-touch carousel! Use less in real combat, be careful not to get beat up~
  • Start by letting ball drag towards inside of one of your feet.
  • When you're ready, first pull ball towards you.
  • At same time, jump up to complete 180° turn and switch to sole of other foot, which first touches ball and then pushes it far to distance where inside of foot touches ball and stops.
  • Football freestyle: two-touch carousel! Use less in real combat, be careful not to get beat up~
  • Turn to this side and continue to pull ball towards you first, bouncing to complete 180° turn.
  • Then switch to sole of other foot to touch ball first, then push it far away until inside of foot touches ball to stop.
  • Football freestyle: two-touch carousel! Use less in real combat, be careful not to get beat up~

    Finally, this continuous loop forms a two-tap carousel action.

    Football freestyle: two-touch carousel! Use less in real combat, be careful not to get beat up~
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    June 27, 2023