Teaching Football: Iniesta's Iconic Fried Balls Move Deep Analysis

Teaching Football: Iniesta's Iconic Fried Balls Move Deep Analysis

As for Iniesta, we have to say that he has a deadly extraordinary skill "Fried Balls". Retract ball and use change of direction to pass on opponent's technique.

Teaching Football: Iniesta's Iconic Fried Balls Move Deep Analysis

Today, gentleman on main page will not only analyze regular version of fried meatballs, but also offer his friends different versions and improved versions of "fried meatballs".

Regular version of "Fried Balls"

  • First, use your dominant foot [right foot] to control ball in front of your opponent's right foot.
  • And keep a moderate distance.
  • Toss ball inside other foot with slightly leaning forward on inside of foot.
  • It is important to remember to touch ball with inside of foot, and not hit it.
  • Control ball at all times. Movements should be fast and smooth.
  • Teaching Football: Iniesta's Iconic Fried Balls Move Deep Analysis

    Regular "fried meatballs", rear view

    Teaching Football: Iniesta's Iconic Fried Balls Move Deep Analysis

    The real skill is that you can use both left and right sides

    Teaching Football: Iniesta's Iconic Fried Balls Move Deep Analysis

    “Fried meatballs”, first version | body shake + fried meatballs

  • When facing an opponent, don't touch ball first, just swing your body to one side. break through this side.
  • Once your opponent reacts to your body shaking, it's time to use croquet to break through from other side.
  • Teaching Football: Iniesta's Iconic Fried Balls Move Deep Analysis

    "Fried meatballs" version 2 | body shaking + crotch fried meatballs

  • The same thing you do when you're facing an opponent without touching ball, just wiggle your body to side and then toss ball with inside of your foot so your opponent thinks you're about to croquet. break through on his side.
  • As opponent reaches out to block your line, use other foot to complete second croquet stroke and complete crotch penetration.
  • Teaching Football: Iniesta's Iconic Fried Balls Move Deep Analysis
  • Swing ball back and forth between your legs and increase speed of your legs as you approach your opponent.
  • When you get close enough, accelerate hard and push ball forward to complete crotch break.
  • Teaching Football: Iniesta's Iconic Fried Balls Move Deep Analysis

    Variant 3 Fried balls | fake crotch piercing body shake + fried balls

  • Also perform body shake feint first.
  • And make your opponent think you're going to mistake a small croquette for a crotch pass.
  • Once your opponent has a tendency to pull his legs up, use regular croquet more aggressively to break through from other side.
  • Teaching Football: Iniesta's Iconic Fried Balls Move Deep Analysis
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    June 28, 2023