There are countless suggestions on how to make us a faster soccer player, some of them are really advanced, you might need modern equipment, are these workouts really effective, we don't know, equipment alone will be quite brain intensive. In fact, it only takes a few simple steps to increase your speed. Today we will show you several training methods that do not require equipment. Let's start right now:
Scientific research shows that key to making our bodies move faster is to increase RFD, or rate of strength development.
Power: This is rate at which maximum force can be produced per unit of time. Athletes with a better power rating run faster, so increasing power rating can help us become faster players, in order to improve power rating, you need to develop both strength and speed, so you need to do some strength training. To strengthen your basic running related muscles. Let's not worry about being too big or muscular, muscles mean we can generate more power which can help us get faster on court.
First training
The first workout is mainly designed to strengthen leg muscles. Place one foot on stool and skating foot should not be too far in front or too far behind, and make sure there is more room behind foot.
Picture 1 - legs on a stool
We should straighten our back and then slowly lower ourselves, keeping knees in same direction as feet, while trying to keep knees within toes.
Figure 2. Knee and toe moving in same direction
When squatting, try not to take your heels off ground, and then slowly rise and fall.
Drawing 3. Keep your heels on ground
If we think it's too easy, we can also add a few bottles of water to increase difficulty. If there is no mineral water in picture, we can also use plastic bags.
Figure 4. Weight-bearing exercise
If we think it's too hard, we can remove some water bottles to reduce difficulty. This training is 8-12 times per group and we do 3 groups each time.
Figure 5. Exercises with less weight
Second training session
Now let's do second workout. After exercise we just got new and strong muscles. Now we need to wake up fast twitch fibers in muscles and get fast nerve impulses.
We can do a simple jumping workout similar to previous workout, lift left foot, step on right foot, place two knees in front of each other, squat down, stabilize, and then jump up.
Figure 6 - jumping exercise
This is a no weight training, so main focus of our training is speed, we have to bounce quickly after the body falls, focus on speed, drop down-jump up quickly.
Figure 7. Rapid takeoff
After jump, socks landed quickly. We must ensure quality of training. Each group 10 times, and a total of 3 groups are done.
Figure 8 Landing
Third workout
The third workout is secret because few football players do it, but it is very effective, that is, it trains our hip flexors, this is Bolt's training method, he is fastest man in world.
Next hip flexor exercise: stand on one leg, then lift the other leg, then slowly come back and pull it up.
Figure 9. Demonstration of hip flexor exercises
Pull your heels to your hips as far as possible, then quickly pull yourself up, hold at top and continue next time.
Pattern 10. Heel to thigh
After your heels rise to your hips, quickly lift your knees, as fast as you can, until your knees explode and then come under control at top.
Figure 11. Raise your knee up
If balance is not learned, we can support a wall or other objects, or use rubber bands to increase difficulty. One end is tied to a chair or foot of bed, and other end is hung on ankle, repeating previous step.
Figure 12. Increasing difficulty with expander
The training process is same as before, except that elastic band makes training more difficult, and we can also keep our hands in a running state, which can make movements smoother. Do this exercise for 3 sets of 10 reps.
Figure 13. Adding a hand position
All movements are done twice a week, and it is not necessary to do them two days in a row, because we can feel sore muscles and this will not help our speed. energy.
This training should last at least 8 weeks so we can see our own progress. That's all tutorials for today, just follow training instructions. Of course, we also need to add sprint training, which can ensure that our speed improves in a short amount of time.
Finally, we can do a 50m and 100m test before training, then start training and repeat after 8 weeks to see if our results have improved.
Article: Road to Football
That's all for today's content, please keep checking Sports Guide for more about football!June 29, 2023