Freestyle Football: Teach you fun bizarre moves, jumps and change of direction!

Freestyle Football: Teach you fun bizarre moves, jumps and change of direction!

Freestyle Football: Teach you fun bizarre moves, jumps and change of direction!

Skip and change direction

Freestyle Football: Teach you fun bizarre moves, jumps and change of direction!
  • Place ball between your ankles.
  • Jump sideways while jumping.
  • Raise your leg to side so that ball follows your ankle into this position.
  • Freestyle Football: Teach you fun bizarre moves, jumps and change of direction!
  • Thus, bypassing the opponent.
  • Freestyle Football: Teach you fun bizarre moves, jumps and change of direction!

    Have your teammates come and try. I'll turn around first, and then I'll leave you.

    Freestyle Football: Teach you fun bizarre moves, jumps and change of direction!
Your attention is biggest motivation for Xiaobei!

    June 30, 2023