False flower arrangement foot - pull ball to sole of foot: first move right foot to left, and then perform movement of foot in form of a flower arrangement.

False flower arrangement foot - pull ball to sole of foot: first move right foot to left, and then perform movement of foot in form of a flower arrangement.

False flower arrangement foot - pull ball to sole of foot: first move right foot to left, and then perform movement of foot in form of a flower arrangement.

Artificial legs for flower arrangements - pull ball

False flower arrangement foot - pull ball to sole of foot: first move right foot to left, and then perform movement of foot in form of a flower arrangement.

First, take ball and slowly approach opponent, and then, after reaching appropriate distance.

  • First swing your right foot to left and then cross your legs to stop ball.
  • False flower arrangement foot - pull ball to sole of foot: first move right foot to left, and then perform movement of foot in form of a flower arrangement.
  • Then, with sole of your right foot, pull ball to left to complete breakthrough.
  • False flower arrangement foot - pull ball to sole of foot: first move right foot to left, and then perform movement of foot in form of a flower arrangement.

    Faux flower legs - close-up of forefoot movement as sole of foot pulls ball

    False flower arrangement foot - pull ball to sole of foot: first move right foot to left, and then perform movement of foot in form of a flower arrangement.
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    July 01, 2023