Key Points of Spoon Turning Technique: Gently turn ball with inside of your foot at same time!

Key Points of Spoon Turning Technique: Gently turn ball with inside of your foot at same time!

Key Points of Spoon Turning Technique: Gently turn ball with inside of your foot at same time!

Spoon overturns

Key Points of Spoon Turning Technique: Gently turn ball with inside of your foot at same time!

If you're playing with your right foot while hitting ball in or underhand, first raise your left arm to get into position you want to complete pass or throw.

  • Then, when your opponent wants to block your pass or throw, twist your body and use inside of your right foot to change big kick or throw into a soft turn with inside of your foot. Touch ball at same time. .
  • Key Points of Spoon Turning Technique: Gently turn ball with inside of your foot at same time!

    Close-up of spoon rotation and front leg movement

    Key Points of Spoon Turning Technique: Gently turn ball with inside of your foot at same time!
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    July 04, 2023