The ability to cut ball with outside of instep can instantly make opponent lose his center of gravity!

The ability to cut ball with outside of instep can instantly make opponent lose his center of gravity!

The ability to cut ball with outside of instep can instantly make opponent lose his center of gravity!

Step 1: Clip ball beyond instep of foot

The ability to cut ball with outside of instep can instantly make opponent lose his center of gravity!

First, take ball and slowly approach opponent, and then, after reaching appropriate distance.

  • First, kick ball with outside of your left foot towards left forward.
  • The ability to cut ball with outside of instep can instantly make opponent lose his center of gravity!
  • Quick step forward to left after first touch.
  • Then use outside of your right foot again to kick ball forward and to right.
  • The ability to cut ball with outside of instep can instantly make opponent lose his center of gravity!

    This action is suitable for quickly and repeatedly changing direction of ball when opponent retreats, so that opponent loses his center of gravity.

    Close-up of movement of forefoot when hooking ball with outside instep

    The ability to cut ball with outside of instep can instantly make opponent lose his center of gravity!
Your attention is biggest motivation for Xiaobei!

    July 04, 2023