Last time we talked about technical aspects of turning Maradona, this time we'll talk about method of training!
Teaching method
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Use logo discs to place two logo disc doors ten yards apart.
And place two triangles between two distances using a marker board.
About 7 yards apart.
The side of triangle is about a foot long.
One side of triangle faces logo door.
Act like an imaginary enemy.
Workout process
Dribble near disc triangle.
Use Maradona to unfold triangle.
Stop at gate on other side.
Continue dribbling to triangle on other side.
Turn around in triangle on this side and stop at start gate.
Exercises for non-primary foot
After rotation is complete on checkbox on left.
Practice turning to other side by dribbling ball towards right disc.
This is still what we talked about before. When you're learning a new move, try using your left or right foot at same time. This can be a little uncomfortable at first. But once you learn, your left and right feet will be very balanced. The feeling of being able to use same technique in two completely different ways is not what everyone wants.
Therefore, everyone must persevere in practicing new movements and not be afraid of low efficiency. Maybe it's a little slower in beginning, but then it gives you a completely different feeling.
Extended Exercises
After training, facing disc with logo.
Ask a friend to help you practice this move against a defender.
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Marcelo used Marseille Maneuver in real combat

Your attention is biggest motivation for Xiaobei!
July 04, 2023