Do you know this simple and easy-to-learn trick of kicking ball + jumping on the ball?

Do you know this simple and easy-to-learn trick of kicking ball + jumping on the ball?

Do you know this simple and easy-to-learn trick of kicking ball + jumping on the ball?

Drag ball with sole of your foot + bounce

Step over ball with your non-dominant foot.

  • Then, lightly step on ball with your right foot, pull ball to side with sole of your foot, and push ball forward with inside of your other foot as you jump.
  • Do you know this simple and easy-to-learn trick of kicking ball + jumping on the ball?
  • You can pierce crotch with this action.
  • Do you know this simple and easy-to-learn trick of kicking ball + jumping on the ball?
  • You decide whether to bypass defender or not, depending on situation at moment.
  • Do you know this simple and easy-to-learn trick of kicking ball + jumping on the ball?

    Demonstration of full action of pulling ball with sole of foot + jumping with ball [back view]

    Do you know this simple and easy-to-learn trick of kicking ball + jumping on the ball?

    Demonstration of full action of pulling up ball with sole of foot + jumping with ball [side view]

    Do you know this simple and easy-to-learn trick of kicking ball + jumping on the ball?
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    July 06, 2023