Football training: Ronaldinho goes ahead and changes!

Football training: Ronaldinho goes ahead and changes!

Football training: Ronaldinho goes ahead and changes!

Ronaldo steps forward and changes direction

This is an action that many players want to learn, especially when you enter a formation and want to get rid of opponent in front of you to complete your shot.

Football training: Ronaldinho goes ahead and changes!
  • Toss ball sideways and forward with inside of foot forward.
  • Football training: Ronaldinho goes ahead and changes!
  • After that, step same foot in that direction.
  • Also remember that shoulders should drop to this side, degree of realism of this movement can affect defender's chances of reacting.
  • Football training: Ronaldinho goes ahead and changes!
  • Finally, use outside of your other foot to push ball sideways forward to speed up release.
  • Football training: Ronaldinho goes ahead and changes!

    Demonstration of how Ronaldinho steps and changes direction

    Football training: Ronaldinho goes ahead and changes!
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    July 08, 2023