Football Training: The Passing and Catching Practice Everyone Should Practice (1)

Football Training: The Passing and Catching Practice Everyone Should Practice (1)

Football Training: The Passing and Catching Practice Everyone Should Practice (1)

Exercise 1. Stop ball with one foot

Two practitioners stand about 5-10 meters apart and pass ball to each other directly and alternately with insides of both feet without stopping the ball.

  • Try to force yourself to alternate legs during this exercise.
  • Football Training: The Passing and Catching Practice Everyone Should Practice (1)

    Exercise 2. Stop ball with one foot on line W

    Two players stand at a distance of about 5-10 meters, one of them is main one, and other is auxiliary.

  • Help practitioner freeze at one point and turn left and right.
  • The Master Trainer will make quick lateral movements after each non-stop shot.
  • After moving to left, return ball with your left foot to assistant.
  • After moving to right, kick ball back to assistant with your right foot.
  • Football Training: The Passing and Catching Practice Everyone Should Practice (1)

    Exercise 3. Stop ball with both feet

    This exercise may be easier than previous two. Two practitioners stand at a distance of about 5-10 meters, first stop ball with one hit, and then pass ball to opposite partner through second touch.

  • Can use outside of foot to stop ball and inside of foot to complete pass.
  • You can also stop ball with inside of one foot and pass ball to an opponent with inside of other foot.
  • No matter what method you use to complete first ball stop during practice, try not to stop ball under your feet, let ball move slowly in a certain direction to prepare for next step.

    Football Training: The Passing and Catching Practice Everyone Should Practice (1)
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    July 09, 2023