You can also practice at home! Leg exercise on wall in a high-speed and high-frequency rhythm

You can also practice at home! Leg exercise on wall in a high-speed and high-frequency rhythm

You can also practice at home! Leg exercise on wall in a high-speed and high-frequency rhythm

High Speed ​​Wall Kick Method

First pose: inside of foot

  • Alternately kick your foot against wall with inside of foot.
  • By swapping inside of his feet to hit wall to improve his stride frequency, he can also use passing power in high speed state.
  • You can also practice at home! Leg exercise on wall in a high-speed and high-frequency rhythm

    Second Form: Positive Lift

  • Kick wall alternately with top of your foot.
  • This way of hitting ball is somewhat similar to part where we touch ball when we dribble at high speed.
  • You can also practice at home! Leg exercise on wall in a high-speed and high-frequency rhythm

    Third shape: inside of foot and instep

  • First, left and right feet straighten instep, and then left and right feet connect to inside of foot.
  • This blended touch method can improve ability of foot to change tactile muscles in different situations.
  • You can also practice at home! Leg exercise on wall in a high-speed and high-frequency rhythm

    Fourth Form: Crossed Legs

  • Exercise with left leg.
  • You can also practice at home! Leg exercise on wall in a high-speed and high-frequency rhythm
  • Exercise with right leg.
  • Practice with both feet to balance both feet and increase variety of passing options.
  • You can also practice at home! Leg exercise on wall in a high-speed and high-frequency rhythm

    Fifth style: push ball (fried balls)

  • Toss ball with your left foot towards your right foot and kick ball with your right foot against wall.
  • The right foot then turns ball to left, while left foot pushes ball against wall.
  • This forms a full cycle exercise, which is also closest thing to repeating meatballs in gas station technical moves, which is more practical in actual combat. .
  • You can also practice at home! Leg exercise on wall in a high-speed and high-frequency rhythm

    Form 6: inside and outside of foot and push ball

  • First push ball with outside and inside of your left foot, and then with inside of your right foot to push ball against wall.
  • You can also practice at home! Leg exercise on wall in a high-speed and high-frequency rhythm
  • Then, use outside and inside of your right foot to continuously dribble ball, and then use inside of your left foot to push ball against wall.
  • This can also be a full circuit exercise.
  • This type of inside and outside ball handling exercise can also improve ability to change speed and direction when dribbling ball at high speed.
  • You can also practice at home! Leg exercise on wall in a high-speed and high-frequency rhythm
You can also practice at home! Leg exercise on wall in a high-speed and high-frequency rhythm

    Article: Eleven

    Your attention is Xiaobei's biggest motivation!

    July 10, 2023