Simple and effective football tricks in a real battle - trouble of defenders!

Simple and effective football tricks in a real battle - trouble of defenders!

Defender Stress

Simple and effective football tricks in a real battle - trouble of defenders!

Many have seen how Ronaldo did this action in game,

The trick is to pretend you're moving ball down center first.

Raise ball horizontally with inside of your foot.

Then speed up and take a beautiful step with your right foot,

Then stop ball with outside of instep,

The last boost accelerates from previous side to complete breach.

If at this moment defender takes bait,

You will have a very large space for finishing bottom.

Simple and effective football tricks in a real battle - trouble of defenders!

Front view of completion of Distress Defender action

Simple and effective football tricks in a real battle - trouble of defenders!

Defender crash demo

Simple and effective football tricks in a real battle - trouble of defenders!
Your attention is the biggest motivation for Xiaobei!

July 11, 2023