Simple and effective football tricks in a real fight - Cruyff rolls over and wears his crotch!

Simple and effective football tricks in a real fight - Cruyff rolls over and wears his crotch!

Cruyff turned around and put on his crotch

Simple and effective football tricks in a real fight - Cruyff rolls over and wears his crotch!

This maneuver is well suited to technique used when holding ball alone near corner flag.

When you hold ball with your back and protect it with your body,

First, gently push opponent by puppet,

Then kick back with your left foot,

Turn around and simultaneously sweep ball with outside of your right foot,

Usually, this swing goes through opponent's crotch.

Simple and effective football tricks in a real fight - Cruyff rolls over and wears his crotch!

Cruyff turned around and put on his crotch to complete movement in front of perspective

Simple and effective football tricks in a real fight - Cruyff rolls over and wears his crotch!
Your attention is the biggest motivation for Xiaobei!

July 12, 2023