It's impossible to overestimate importance of cooldown after a match. Stretching after a game can help your body return to state it was in before training. “It will also improve your body's flexibility. Here are various muscle relaxation and stretching exercises that you can do after playing.
Stand on one leg supporting wall with one hand, grasp ankle or instep of foot with other hand, feel stretch in front of thigh, hold for 20 seconds, then switch legs and repeat. Eversion. This action can also be performed while lying on your stomach or on your side.
Two hip movements can be performed in sequence. The first is to press knee with your hands and hold it for 20 seconds before performing next movement.
With your left elbow, press your right knee against left side of your body and feel stretch on outside of your right thigh. At same time, press your waist to right and feel stretch in your left waist muscles. Hold for 20 seconds and then switch sides. Repeat these two steps.
Upper arm - triceps raised with one arm above head. Raise your forearm as close to your shoulder as possible. With your other hand, grab your elbow, pull it towards your head, hold for 20 seconds and repeat again. on other side. Please note that if you press , as shown in image below, it will turn into a stretch of latissimus dorsi muscle.
Find a doorframe or fixed post and grasp wall or post with one hand. Bend your elbow slightly at shoulder level. Tilt your torso forward to feel your chest expand. Hold for 20 seconds and then switch to another rep in same direction. In addition, if elbow is lower, then it mainly stretches deltoid muscle from side.
Find a column with your back and stand facing it, hold column with one hand at waist level, and then bend your body as shown in figure to stretch your back. Hold for 20 seconds and then switch sides. action is very useful for triangle. The back of muscle is also stretched.
After squats and other exercises for waist and abdomen, do following stretches to avoid muscle soreness as much as possible. The abdominal muscles lie on mat, as shown in figure, support upper body with your hands, and bend over as much as possible to feel stretch in abdomen. muscle sensation, hold for 20 seconds.
Lie with your lateral abdominal muscles as shown, pull your knees and hips to one side, hold for 20 seconds, and then repeat in other direction.
July 15, 2023