Super powerful Ibrahimovic-style peeling, if you don't learn moves of God, you will be CLOSED!

Super powerful Ibrahimovic-style peeling, if you don't learn moves of God, you will be CLOSED!

Super powerful Ibrahimovic-style peeling, if you don't learn moves of God, you will be CLOSED!

Hello everyone! Xiaobei meets you again!

In this edition, Xiaobei introduces you to Tower of Swedish God, Ibrahimovic's domineering ball movement in a red rabbit among horses. It only takes three steps. If you do not learn such a classic move from God, you will be left behind La!

Nothing to say, let's get straight to point:

First of all, let's demonstrate Dafengxian Super powerful Ibrahimovic-style peeling, if you don't learn moves of God, you will be CLOSED!
Super powerful Ibrahimovic-style peeling, if you don't learn moves of God, you will be CLOSED!

Zorya Luansky - Manchester United Europa League, December 8, 2016

Action Point 1: First support your leg and take a step forward

Super powerful Ibrahimovic-style peeling, if you don't learn moves of God, you will be CLOSED!

Action point 2. Immediately after bending legs, touch ball with lift of lead leg

Super powerful Ibrahimovic-style peeling, if you don't learn moves of God, you will be CLOSED!

Try again with other leg:

Super powerful Ibrahimovic-style peeling, if you don't learn moves of God, you will be CLOSED!

Action point 3. The ball touches foot to apply downward force and leg can be extended to lift ball

Super powerful Ibrahimovic-style peeling, if you don't learn moves of God, you will be CLOSED!

Try lifting ball with other foot:

Super powerful Ibrahimovic-style peeling, if you don't learn moves of God, you will be CLOSED!

Reminder: this action is to let soccer ball roll to instep of foot and then lift toe to deliver ball

Full action demo:

Super powerful Ibrahimovic-style peeling, if you don't learn moves of God, you will be CLOSED!
You learned it, friends, let's quickly practice. If you liked this article, don't forget to subscribe to Xiaobei!

July 17, 2023