Hello everyone! Xiaobei meets you again!
In this edition, Xiaobei introduces you to Tower of Swedish God, Ibrahimovic's domineering ball movement in a red rabbit among horses. It only takes three steps. If you do not learn such a classic move from God, you will be left behind La!
Nothing to say, let's get straight to point:
First of all, let's demonstrate DafengxianZorya Luansky - Manchester United Europa League, December 8, 2016
Action Point 1: First support your leg and take a step forward
Action point 2. Immediately after bending legs, touch ball with lift of lead leg
Try again with other leg:
Action point 3. The ball touches foot to apply downward force and leg can be extended to lift ball
Try lifting ball with other foot:
Reminder: this action is to let soccer ball roll to instep of foot and then lift toe to deliver ball
Full action demo:
July 17, 2023
Super powerful Ibrahimovic-style peeling, if you don't learn moves of God, you will be CLOSED!
If you learn this trick on the football field, you will not be afraid of both opponents!