"Football Teaching" will teach you how to practice exquisite long pass! Full of haberdashery~

"Football Teaching" will teach you how to practice exquisite long pass! Full of haberdashery~

The long pass is a tactic in which a long pass is used to break through an opponent's defense. It is often used for quick counterattacks. It is very important to master technique of long pass! Then, if you want to play a quality long pass,

You should pay attention to following points:

1. Basic Movements

The run-up of a long pass is almost same as run-up of a throw

The approach runs diagonally at a 45° angle. The supporting leg is placed on side of ball and parallel to ball.

"Football Teaching" will teach you how to practice exquisite long pass! Full of haberdashery~

To hit ball, use inside of instep (i.e. inside slope where laces are tied)

"Football Teaching" will teach you how to practice exquisite long pass! Full of haberdashery~
"Football Teaching" will teach you how to practice exquisite long pass! Full of haberdashery~

When passing ball, move your feet correctly

At same time, stretch instep of passing foot and adjust hip joint to change position of leg,

Slightly turn foot inward,

This makes it easier to get foot into bottom of ball,

Allow point of impact to fully touch bottom of ball.

"Football Teaching" will teach you how to practice exquisite long pass! Full of haberdashery~
"Football Teaching" will teach you how to practice exquisite long pass! Full of haberdashery~

Also note position of upper body,

The center of gravity of body is behind (different from center of gravity of body when shooting),

Straighten your chest, raise your hand to support your foot, and lean back slightly.

"Football Teaching" will teach you how to practice exquisite long pass! Full of haberdashery~

# Take a close look at following picture:

1. First, push your heel towards ball.

2. Swing your arms, straighten your chest, lean back and slightly tilt your body towards supporting leg.

3. Stretch instep, turn it down slightly and touch bottom of the ball.

"Football Teaching" will teach you how to practice exquisite long pass! Full of haberdashery~
"Football Teaching" will teach you how to practice exquisite long pass! Full of haberdashery~

Another point: passing foot must follow ball after hitting ball,

This is hitting ball with more power and little spin.

"Football Teaching" will teach you how to practice exquisite long pass! Full of haberdashery~

Here's a look at complete set, starting with foot on top of ball,

Then rub ball with soles of your feet, run up diagonally (45° recommended),

A high and long pass followed.

"Football Teaching" will teach you how to practice exquisite long pass! Full of haberdashery~

Second, learning

When training alone, choose a direct pass to net,

Ensure quality of every pass made,

A group of 5 people, 10 groups in total.

Exercise with left and right leg alternately,

Rest in each group for 2 minutes, rub your shins,

Perform other exercises with ball to relax muscles.

"Football Teaching" will teach you how to practice exquisite long pass! Full of haberdashery~

Two people practice a long pass to each other, practice stopping ball at same time and tilting body to left after ball stops,

Immediately, with his left foot, he pushed ball to left, and then continued to turn and kick.

If you have a specific time to play football, choose to practice at a distance of 20m or more.

When you start practicing, you can reduce passing distance so that ball hits within two meters of your opponent.

"Football Teaching" will teach you how to practice exquisite long pass! Full of haberdashery~

If you want to do a backspin arc, stand with your pivot foot slightly above ball,

A 45° diagonal run-up, after hitting ball, kicking foot reduces subsequent action.

"Football Teaching" will teach you how to practice exquisite long pass! Full of haberdashery~

In case of a certain precision

I want to make a faster and longer pass,

Exercise to strengthen muscles of legs and abdominal muscles,

Keep your muscles relaxed before passing ball,

Give ball away and immediately tense your muscles,

Touch ball closer to instep of foot,

Increase approach distance and speed up approach,

Increase hip and calf swing back and hit middle and bottom of ball.

It's a sacrifice of height for speed.

"Football Teaching" will teach you how to practice exquisite long pass! Full of haberdashery~

Third, misunderstanding

1 The ball hits ball near inside of foot and ball spins too much;

Or point of impact is too low and ball drops early,

At this point, you need to move impact point up about 5 cm.

"Football Teaching" will teach you how to practice exquisite long pass! Full of haberdashery~

2 Excessive leaning of body can cause the ball being hit to deflect

"Football Teaching" will teach you how to practice exquisite long pass! Full of haberdashery~

3 hits ball to center, turning pass into a volley.

"Football Teaching" will teach you how to practice exquisite long pass! Full of haberdashery~
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July 20, 2023