How can external lift make a curved ball to apply force better?

How can external lift make a curved ball to apply force better?

External instep is a relatively advanced skill in football. Players who use this skill well can make an arc, go past a defender and pass ball to feet of teammates. Or shoot directly from outside of instep.

How can external lift make a curved ball to apply force better?

The reason everyone can't use outside instep when they normally play football is because they didn't get in right position. So how can you hit outside lift in this way?

How can external lift make a curved ball to apply force better?

Technical points

The impact site, area on outer surface of foot at end of little toe, in middle and bottom of pad.

How can external lift make a curved ball to apply force better?

At first, you may not get used to way force is applied. This takes a lot of practice. If your foot is weak or weak, you can turn your foot slightly inward and pull up top of your foot. for a larger contact area with ball.

How can external lift make a curved ball to apply force better?

If you choose to kick with outside of your right foot, run to left, lower your body's center of gravity at moment it touches ball, focus on your legs and feel ball go to left and right next to you, which requires a lot of effort. Practice controlling instep of foot. It's easier to hit a spin ball counter-clockwise when hitting from outside of your right foot.

How can external lift make a curved ball to apply force better?
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July 28, 2023