Football practice - dribbling exercise 3 "Gift Show"

Football practice - dribbling exercise 3

01 - ladder dribbling

Place several discs with Z-shaped logo at a distance of about 2 meters.

Then circle each marker disc, starting on one side.

Football practice - dribbling exercise 3 "Gift Show"

02-pile wrap + zigzag dribbling

First, alternately circle marked disks with both feet at a distance of about half a meter.

Football practice - dribbling exercise 3 "Gift Show"

Then connect to the zigzag dribbling from exercise 11.

Football practice - dribbling exercise 3 "Gift Show"

03 - Small compass belt

Place several discs with logo on ground at once.

Then dribble left and right between these logo discs.

Football practice - dribbling exercise 3 "Gift Show"

Turn around when you reach edge and walk to other end.

Try to make sure neither ball nor your feet touch flags.

Football practice - dribbling exercise 3 "Gift Show"

0Sprint 4-40m + change of direction

Dribble at full speed for 40 meters and try to keep it in a straight line.

Football practice - dribbling exercise 3 "Gift Show"
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July 29, 2023