Football practice - dribbling exercise 4 "Gift Show"

Football practice - dribbling exercise 4

01-8 leading characters

Place a few discs with logo on ground so that you get number "8".

Then dribble with these logo discs, creating a route in shape of a figure eight.

Football practice - dribbling exercise 4 "Gift Show"

02-5-10-5 return

Move forward 5 yards and return to starting position.

Football practice - dribbling exercise 4 "Gift Show"

Carry ball forward 10 yards and return to starting point.

Such 5-meter, 10-yard cyclic exercises.

Football practice - dribbling exercise 4 "Gift Show"

03- Ronaldinho dribbles

Arrange if as two wrong parallel lines.

Next, grab ball by one end and use soles of your feet to pull ball and inside and outside of your foot to quickly push ball through these logo discs.

Football practice - dribbling exercise 4 "Gift Show"
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July 29, 2023