Learning to improve goalkeeper system "Football Teaching"! (gift show)

Learning to improve goalkeeper system

1. Basic catching and batting skills

Kneel rolling ball. When catching ball from left side, left side slides and moves, left leg is extended, right foot is on tiptoe, and right leg is pressed down below knee to touch ground. Kneel on ground next to your left foot, tilt your upper body forward, bring your elbows together and turn to face forward, palms facing ball. When touching ball, bend your elbows and wrists back and hold the ball from below.

Learning to improve goalkeeper system "Football Teaching"! (gift show)

Taking a horizontal ball: The ball is above knees and below chest. When catching ball, stand up, legs to left and right, lower center of gravity, tilt upper body slightly forward, hang your arms down, palms up. When ball touches with your hand, lean your upper body forward, bring your hands into buffer and hold ball in front of your chest.

Learning to improve goalkeeper system "Football Teaching"! (gift show)

Catching a high ball: when incoming ball is level with chest and facing incoming ball, stretch forearm up, thumbs of both hands are facing each other, forming a figure-eight, remaining four fingers slightly bent and palms facing ball. At moment ball touches, apply force with your fingers and wrists to push and catch ball, twist your wrist and bend your elbows and pull ball down to hold ball in front of your chest.

Learning to improve goalkeeper system "Football Teaching"! (gift show)

When incoming ball is above chest, locate receiving point of ball, move quickly and jump up, extend both arms to meet ball and catch ball as above.

Learning to improve goalkeeper system "Football Teaching"! (gift show)

Strike ball. When catching a low ball on left side, stand facing flying ball, quickly push off ground with your right foot, bend your left leg and take a step to left, and then body drops to left after left foot touches ground, calf, thigh, buttocks, upper torsos and outer sides of arms touch ground in turn. arms extended towards ball, palm of left hand is facing ball, right hand is over front of left hand, two thumbs are closed, and wrist is slightly bent, return ball to your chest after hitting and stand up.

Learning to improve goalkeeper system "Football Teaching"! (gift show)

Fight with an empty ball, move center of gravity of body to foot next to falling ball, push foot hard to make body bounce, stretch body in air, grab ball with your fingers or throw it with your palm, catch ball, use it. The ball, elbows, shoulders, upper body, buttocks, and outer legs take turns touching ground and quickly bending knees.

Tossing Ball: Accelerate towards a volley when volley is in a large arc and close to crossbar or a powerful angled shot. Move, push your foot close to ball. to apply force, let body jump as high as possible, stretch body into an arched back, quickly extend one arm, palm to ball, use front of hand and fingers to push ball back up or to side, get ball over bar or bar.

Learning to improve goalkeeper system "Football Teaching"! (gift show)
Learning to improve goalkeeper system "Football Teaching"! (gift show)
Learning to improve goalkeeper system "Football Teaching"! (gift show)


About learning

Learning to catch a ground ball and a flat ball requires help of another person and can also be used for shooting practice (comfortable and durable gloves with high grip).

Start practicing jumping and catching ball, sit straight on ground and place ball correctly. Body to sides to sketch familiar with action.

Learning to improve goalkeeper system "Football Teaching"! (gift show)

Building on previous one, practice rolling ball on ground in place.

Learning to improve goalkeeper system "Football Teaching"! (gift show)

As shown in picture below, practice hitting ball. After touching ground at a short distance, turn back and run in small steps, hitting ball. Or choose to jog a short distance, circle in a clockwise direction, and then speed up and run back to practice catching ball.

Learning to improve goalkeeper system "Football Teaching"! (gift show)
Learning to improve goalkeeper system "Football Teaching"! (gift show)
Learning to improve goalkeeper system "Football Teaching"! (gift show)
Learning to improve goalkeeper system "Football Teaching"! (gift show)

Also, after 6 sets of rebound drills, speed up to catch ball.

Learning to improve goalkeeper system "Football Teaching"! (gift show)
Learning to improve goalkeeper system "Football Teaching"! (gift show)

Run forward a short distance and, after touching ground, quickly get up to throw or bounce ball.

Learning to improve goalkeeper system "Football Teaching"! (gift show)
Learning to improve goalkeeper system "Football Teaching"! (gift show)


Learning to improve goalkeeper system "Football Teaching"! (gift show)
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August 03, 2023