After playing football for so long, you must have had these illusions!

After playing football for so long, you must have had these illusions!

This ball is not bad for me!

After playing football for so long, you must have had these illusions!

I can stop him with a look!

After playing football for so long, you must have had these illusions!

Goal scored...

After playing football for so long, you must have had these illusions!

Today again rhythm of food abuse.

After playing football for so long, you must have had these illusions!

Wait a bit and come back.

After playing football for so long, you must have had these illusions!

I can definitely catch up with this ball.

After playing football for so long, you must have had these illusions!

I used to think that I was fastest and most able to run around court.

After playing football for so long, you must have had these illusions!

This pass is sure to land at feet of teammates.

After playing football for so long, you must have had these illusions!

This girl is looking at me, this girl is looking at me, this girl is looking at me!

After playing football for so long, you must have had these illusions!
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August 05, 2023