Practical cycling skills to overtake people, animation is detailed!

Practical cycling skills to overtake people, animation is detailed!

Cycling must be practical and efficient, it requires speed, strength and body shaking, and ball and start after action is completed must be fast and powerful.

Practical cycling skills to overtake people, animation is detailed!


Basic Actions

When your foot is on ball, tilt your body in that direction and lower your shoulders. This is similar to Matthews and other moves that interfere with defensive players by drooping their shoulders and leaning in torso.

Practical cycling skills to overtake people, animation is detailed!

Another point is that after foot crosses ball diagonally, foot must be placed at a certain distance from ball so that you have enough room to complete ongoing action of other foot . sole.

Practical cycling skills to overtake people, animation is detailed!

When you're facing a defender, step over ball with one foot, lean in to your torso, lower your shoulders to get your opponent's attention, and then immediately connect outside of your foot with your outside. Strong, fast touches create space and give you opportunity to continue dribbling or shooting.

Practical cycling skills to overtake people, animation is detailed!

In a real fight, you need to move quickly after you've finished pedaling and stay clear of guards. In practice, you need to constantly improve speed and strength of your cycling movements.

Practical cycling skills to overtake people, animation is detailed!


Improve learning

From simple to complex, gradually improve practice in stages:

#Stage OneCycling in place

Practice basic moves to improve your skills. When cycling in place, you can circle from slow to fast and step powerfully on ground.

Practical cycling skills to overtake people, animation is detailed!

#Phase 2Motion practice

Lightly touch soccer ball with your left or right foot to move a short distance, and then complete movement by cycling. Pay attention to main points of action and practice from slow to fast.

Practical cycling skills to overtake people, animation is detailed!

Here, use front of instep, or slightly outside of instep, to lightly touch ball.

Practical cycling skills to overtake people, animation is detailed!

When you can skillfully complete one cycle of pedaling left and right, you can move on to next exercises.

Practical cycling skills to overtake people, animation is detailed!

When touching ball on outside of instep, apply a little more force to foot to keep ball rolling, which will allow you to complete 2 or more cyclic movements.

Practical cycling skills to overtake people, animation is detailed!

Excessive cycling may seem impractical, but there are a few exercises you can try during your workout.

Practical cycling skills to overtake people, animation is detailed!

In fact, some movements are so-called impractical simply because you haven't mastered using them skillfully.

Practical cycling skills to overtake people, animation is detailed!

#Phase 3 Markers and Practice

Place marker on dribble path, dribble forward and spin around marker.

Practical cycling skills to overtake people, animation is detailed!
Practical cycling skills to overtake people, animation is detailed!
Practical cycling skills to overtake people, animation is detailed!

Practice in real combat, call a friend and pedal your bike to overtake a immobile defender, or step forward to intercept a defender.

Practical cycling skills to overtake people, animation is detailed!

Avoiding markers is not same as being a real defender, you need to put in more effort to hone your skills of cycling past people.

Practical cycling skills to overtake people, animation is detailed!
Practical cycling skills to overtake people, animation is detailed!

In the face of a defender stepping forward to intercept, your cycling moves must be faster, more powerful, and more skillful, as well as placing greater demands on your speed, explosive power, sensitivity, and coordination ability. direction breakthrough.

Practical cycling skills to overtake people, animation is detailed!
Practical cycling skills to overtake people, animation is detailed!

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August 09, 2023