20 golden offers prepared for football players, every offer must be remembered!

20 golden offers prepared for football players, every offer must be remembered!

Whether amateur or professional, many people who love football dream of becoming a good player. Knowing how to play football is not as easy as knowing how to pass, pass, shoot and defend. Even playing amateur football, it is not easy to be a respected, loved and reliable player.

We football fans, what should we do? British professional football coach, give us following 20 opinions:

20 golden offers prepared for football players, every offer must be remembered!

1. An all-round player must have technical ability, tactical understanding, a healthy body, strong willpower, self-discipline, self-motivation, and play a positive role in team.

2. If you're bad at stopping and passing ball, hone your basic skills. Otherwise, don't play football. This is foundation!

3. When your team has ball, everyone is attacking, when opponent is attacking with ball, everyone is actively defending and we have to press ball holder.

4. If you lose ball, you must defend first. Immediately chasing ball holder, this is first basis of defense, and then defensive tactics of team.

5. When opponent has ball, put maximum pressure on him. Remember, if opponent does not have ball, it is very difficult to score a goal!

6. Do not use your feet lightly unless you are in a danger zone. You must have a clear line of passing ball before a teammate passes it to you. Thus, after receiving ball, most suitable choice can be made.

7. When ball is in your side, don't push too hard unless you have ability to quickly chase down defenders.

8. When transitioning from offense to defense, quickly run towards person who is protecting you, do your best to delay opponent's attack until someone backs you up, and use team defense to block opponent.

9. If one team is in possession of ball and other is chasing it in play, team without ball will be very upset! Keeping ball is important!

10. Oppression, constant oppression! The first 10 minutes of each half can be a decisive moment in determining final result of game. During this period of time, you must put pressure on your opponent and crush him mentally and impressively.

11. When you score a goal, you should thank the teammates who helped you.

20 golden offers prepared for football players, every offer must be remembered!

12. During training, you should work harder on your weak links. If you always train in a comfortable state for you, you will not get better.

20 golden offers prepared for football players, every offer must be remembered!

13. Don't yell at judge! Judges make mistakes sometimes, just like us. In fact, judges make fewer mistakes than we do, and if each of us makes as few mistakes as judges, team will remain undefeated.

14. When you are in opponent's 30-meter zone, there is only one defender in front of you. You can pass ball - premise is that a teammate is in a better position than you in a quick counterattack. Otherwise, do not be shy and boldly break through it! Be face of your team!

15. "I don't care if you make a mistake. The only thing I care about is your first reaction after making a mistake. Don't be upset, go and return ball!"

16. You can take chances in opposition's danger zone to try your luck, but you shouldn't risk in deadly defensive zone, which is why we often say that it's okay for a forward to squander once, but that's unforgivable. for defender to play with fire once!

17. Never argue or object to coach. They want to teach you how to be a good player, listen to their teachings and learn more from them. If you disagree with some points, take time to discuss them with trainer.

18. Never criticize your teammates. If your teammates make mistakes, you can demonstrate and point them in right direction. To be a positive role model for your team, teamwork is the most important success factor!

20 golden offers prepared for football players, every offer must be remembered!

19. Never blame goalkeeper after conceding a goal. You must know that when ball hits net, you must also be responsible for defense.

20 golden offers prepared for football players, every offer must be remembered!

20. Whether you win, draw or lose, if you give 100% you don't have to be ashamed or sorry when you walk off court. Be proud of your efforts!

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August 10, 2023