Many parents who send their children to play football have this experience: when they first started playing football, most children often showed great interest and enthusiasm, they looked forward to every training session and prepared sneakers and sportswear in advance, each Once after class, with high spirits, I will describe some details of training with parents.
However, over time, parents found that their children's interest in football lessons was no longer as high as it used to be, and they no longer took initiative to share an interesting experience with their parents in classroom after practice.
At this time, many parents often blame children themselves, thinking that children themselves are not interested, so they let it go until they finally let it go and fail.
The point is that all unfinished experiences stem from a lack of effective communication.
Ask small things, not bit by bit
Many parents usually ask their children, "What did you learn in today's class?" and "How did you practice today?" after end of lesson. Such questions are meaningless and often do not receive practical answers. The child will find it difficult to answer or will simply answer “Everything is in order!”. Adolescents, especially children under age of ten, have difficulty understanding and answering abstract questions. You ask your child a very general question and child cannot give you an answer.
Imagine that you are an adult, you have participated in a training course that lasted several hours. After class, someone asked you what did you learn today? Can I get more detailed answers? We adults are already like that, let alone children!
Therefore, an effective question for understanding a child's training situation should be a very simple one with a definite answer, and it should be based on parents' previous understanding of child's particular training situation.
"Did you play a new ball game at practice today?"
"How many people are in group?"
"In groups of four, one stands in middle, and..."
It's easy for kids to answer such well-aimed questions so that dialogue can continue and parents can learn more about their kids' training trends for day.
Ask about process, not result
Because we have received an education that emphasizes results and ignores process, since childhood, that is, points are everything, therefore, as parents of children, they often unconsciously replace this way of thinking in communicating with their children. "Did you score a goal today?" and “Did coach arrange a start for you?” Frequently Asked Parents are used to asking questions.
As they say, questioner has no intention, but listener has intention. If your child does not do well in practice that day or encounters some kind of trouble, this kind of obvious waiting problem will only increase psychological pressure of child again, because child will worry that if he tells truth, his parents will definitely react to him. . Frustrated and self-critical. Over time, children will inevitably bear pressure of their parents on football lessons, thinking that football lessons always cause them criticism, and therefore resist participation in training.
And correct way to ask questions should be: "did you use your left or right foot when you practiced shooting today", "how many times did you pass ball to players in a practice match today" is such a question focuses on process, because for of any interested improvement, key lies in enjoying process. Guide and encourage children to share their training process with you, listen happily to children's descriptions, and forget about grades and results!
Don't deny, compare your heart with your heart
There are always a lot of parents on sidelines of training court on weekends watching their children's performance on court. Many parents often ignore their children's successes and remember only their childhood mistakes or poor performances on court, and after training they chat with thirsty and tired children about so-called "notebooks" they failed.
Let's not talk about whether this method is correct, but think about it from other side. If you are a child who loves football, you got two hours of high-intensity heart training and you are tired and thirsty. When you go to your parents and want to share your experience in stadium with them, it's overwhelming to be greeted with "guidance" and "opinion". How would you feel?
Let's assume again, then, that when you're watching practice and you find that your child always complains about his teammates passing ball too slowly during game and you're a patient parent, you didn't directly point out to your child after Training The problem is there, but to tell about same experience when I was a child:
"How do you feel about today's collaboration with teammates?"
"***The transition is too slow!"
"I also faced this situation when I used to play football. At first, my teammates couldn't get ball to my feet."
"Oh... how boring!"
"Yes, then I realized that I was too fast, so I tried to run slower."
"And then what?"
"After that, I could get passes from my teammates every time."
"Of course, if you don't believe me, you can try next time."
Don't be too small to do something
Our traditional education has always held to argument that "humility makes progress, pride makes people complacent." "it doesn't matter much, no need to constantly praise, child will be proud if he exaggerates too much."
As everyone knows, teenagers, especially children under 12, are very fond of being praised, in same way that adults receive appropriate rewards with work in order to realize their self-esteem, and thus generate a sense of accomplishment as a motivation to continue.
Add more of that kind of praise and you'll find that instead of encouraging complacency, it encourages them to become more involved in every workout.
On football field, praise and encouragement from elders is an affirmation of child's own hard work, which encourages him to persevere, thus forming a virtuous circle.
Therefore, if you hope that your child will be able to stand on court for a long time and love this sport with all his heart, do not skimp on praise!
Conclusion. Children are naturally active, and football field is perfect place for children to unleash their boundless energy. From initial free run, to gradual development of coordination and balance of body, quality of will, flexibility of body, ability to respond, and then to formation of an awareness of teamwork! Football can bring joy and development to a child.
Your attention and support is best motivation for editor!August 10, 2023