Let's get to basics! Drag exercises with both feet to improve ball feel

Let's get to basics! Drag exercises with both feet to improve ball feel

The feel of ball plays a very important role in game of football. Perhaps this is most basic thing in football skills. There are many ways to develop ball feel. The simplest methods are jumping and dribbling.

Due to fleeting possibilities during play, many of our touches are done with our toes. Here is an effective way to train ball.

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Let's get to basics! Drag exercises with both feet to improve ball feel

Basic Actions

1. Pull ball towards you with ball of your foot

Let's get to basics! Drag exercises with both feet to improve ball feel

2. After that, hit ball with tip of your toe and instep of instep of foot, master power well and do not knock ball out of control

Let's get to basics! Drag exercises with both feet to improve ball feel

3. Increase movement speed after skill

Let's get to basics! Drag exercises with both feet to improve ball feel

4. Both feet move at same time. During process, toes must touch middle of ball for it to be effective

Let's get to basics! Drag exercises with both feet to improve ball feel

This method seems simple, but it's not easy in practice. It's easy to lose control of ball. When performing fast and connected movements, you should carefully feel control of ball in process and practice more. , It can be used as a way to improve feel of ball at normal times, as well as a way to warm up before game. If feel of ball is good, there will be an instinctive reaction to handle ball correctly in various situations during game.

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August 17, 2023