It's difficult and easy at first to make people feel intimidated. You only need patience to practice. As long as you keep practicing and not giving up when you encounter mistakes, you will eventually get hang of it. . If you can finally master more advanced ball juggling skills, then our playing ability will definitely improve to a higher level. This workout will probably touch ball 1000 times, let's start right now:
Level 1: Quick Warm Up
Start with 100 single leg kicks, 50 left leg kicks, and 50 right leg kicks.
Drawing 1. Dribbling with one foot
After completing one leg juggling, alternately juggle your legs 100 times.
Drawing 2. The ball bounces alternately with both feet
Be careful every time you hit center of ball, keep ball under control of your body, if you make a mistake, find out reason and correct it immediately, learning from your mistakes, you will get better and better. .
Level 2: Knee Bounce
After doing 100 jumps on ball with both feet, we will move on to content of second level. First jump ball twice with one (right) foot, then push it up to knee height, use your knee to bounce once, and then use your right foot to bounce after falling. After repeating 50 times, switch to left leg and do same.
Drawing 3-2 kicks and 1 knee rebound
That is, touch ball twice with instep of foot and once with the knee and do 50 times on each side.
Figure 4. 50 times left and right
If you're doing this for first time, it's not easy and may not be well controlled, but if we stick with it, things will improve a lot in a week.
Level 3: Knee Jump
Next, alternately toss ball with our knees 100 times. During rebound, you need to monitor balance.
Drawing 5. Demonstration of a knee strike
Strengthen your core and control your knees. This technique is very useful for game. If you want to improve your first touch in game, you must master this technique.
Level 4: Advanced Juggling
Then hit ball first with your feet and then with your shoulders. This can help improve your touch and control of ball because you need to understand power and height of shot to hit shoulders. Do a total of 100 leg and shoulder jumps.
Figure 6. Juggling advanced levels
If you feel that difficulty is not enough, you can also force yourself to jump up with your feet three times and once with your shoulders, which will require you to have good control over each leg.
Level 5: Advanced Mode
It's more difficult. You need to use outside of your foot to hit ball. In beginning, you don't have to use outside of your foot to hit ball all time. , After mastering skill, continue to hit ball with outside of the foot.
Drawing 8. Demonstration of hitting ball with outside of foot
Don't say your legs can't get through. I thought so at very beginning. As long as you insist on catching them with back of your foot, you will gradually learn to catch them. Regular practice can help us improve our coordination. Ball 100 reps and you can add 20-30 reps outside of middle leg raise.
Figure 9. Let body coordinate first
Last - hit ball to head, hit ball once with head, then lower and continue to hit ball with legs, on average about five times with legs, 1 time with head. , 100 times by kicking and 100 times by head Ball 20-30 times.
Drawing 10. Alternating legs when heading ball
All of these jumping ball exercises are good training methods for improving first touch ability. If you fully master them, first touch will definitely improve a lot. At same time, it can also improve your ability to keep balance and even throws, etc. The bounce of ball is useful for almost all skills on field.
After all, many people can juggle a ball, but it's not at all like skillful and stable juggling. So if you want to get better, ball bouncing can help you in real combat, persistence is very important.
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